Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A living example

Yup, there he is, my grumpy old man. Even when he's got his "mad face" on, I still think he's handsome and lovable. I wanted to share this photo, not only because it's funny, (seriously, I giggle every time I look at it) but that I was reminded of a lesson I try and teach my kids daily.. respect.

See, there is a story behind his mad face, and it's not just " I don't want to take a photo". He came off the bus upset because kids had teased him at school, no one sat with him on the bus so he was feeling left out, and to top it off I had taken his special "fort-sheet" from his room without asking. I had used to it to make a "studio" for this photo. I wanted to diffuse the light behind it to get a more even light source. What's the big deal you ask? Well, I tell my kids every day to ask before they take or use someone else's stuff. Usually this applies to my things, art supplies, glue, tape, string ect. They have bins full of their own art supplies, but mommy's is always cooler. For me to take his sheet, from his room was basically saying the rules don't apply to me, your space isn't respected, and really showing a double standard.

I was reminded through this moment that kids learn more from example than by being told. They observe adults closely because they look up to us, they want to be like us. Teaching my children how to live in this world starts with me and how I live in it. I need to be kind, gentle, respectful, caring, putting others first, so that they SEE how to live. Kids are smart, they know when we say one thing and do another. Due to their honestly they usually call us out on it too.. My boy sure did. I did apologize, and he did take a nice picture...  and next time I'll ask before using his "fort-sheet" for my photography studio.

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